Prayer for Tolerance, Forgiveness, Reconciliation



Today, in honour of National Indigenous Peoples Day, the Canadian Catholic Indigenous Council released the prayer entitled Prayer for Tolerance, Forgiveness, Reconciliation.

O God, Creator and Father of all,
with humility we your children acknowledge the relationship of all living things.
For this we thank you, we praise you and we worship you.

We call on you, Great Mystery, the Word made Flesh
– our teacher, prophet and brother –
to open our hearts to all our brothers and sisters,
and with them to grow in the wisdom, honesty, courage and
respectfulness shown in The Sacred Teachings.

Give us the vision and honesty to recognize
that the we are all brothers and sisters of one human family,
created and sustained by the One Creator.
As we deal with many challenges, may we never give way to fear and anger, which can be the source
of division and threat amongst peoples.

We look to how God always gives to us,
as a remedy for sins of prejudice and intolerance. We see in God the Creator of all things,
One who always provides and is generous
– even given the abuses we have heaped on one another and on the earth.

We see in the Son, Jesus Christ
– the innocent Victim who pours His life blood out from the Cross for all peoples.

We see how the Holy Spirit is God’s gift,
alive in our world today
– inspiring vision and hope that we can have
the same mind and heart of God!

May Your Spirit bless the souls
who died at the Kamloops residential school
and all souls who died at residential schools.

May this same Spirit also bring blessing and healing
to all families and communities affected in any way by the schools.

O Creator, show us the way to healing,
forgiveness and reconciliation
and a renewed fellowship. Amen

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